12 research outputs found

    Zum überfälligen Paradigmenwechsel in der Fremdsprachendidaktik

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    In letzter Zeit beschäft igt sich die angewandte kognitive Linguistik verstärkt mit Metaphorisierungsprozessen bei der Sprachverarbeitung. Dabei rückt zunehmend auch der Bereich der Grammatikvermittlung im Fremdsprachenerwerb in den Blick. Motiviert ist diese Forschung von der Einsicht, dass strukturelle Verfahren der Grammatikvermittlung auch bei noch so guter methodischer Aufmachung wenig Nachhaltigkeit erreichen, konzeptuelle Ansätze dagegen viel besser modulieren, was im natürlichen Spracherwerb oft so viel problemloser und schneller verläuft. Der Beitrag zeigt exemplarisch auf, was an einem konzeptuell-funktionalen Ansatz der Grammatikdarstellung das Innovative und Effi ziente ist und wie dies in geeigneter Weise in Grammatikanimationen umgesetzt werden kann. Ergebnisse erster empirischer Studien zur Nachhaltigkeit des gewählten Ansatzes untermauern seine Wirksamkeit. Der Beitrag gibt Impulse für weitere Forschungsprojekte genauso wie für die konkrete Arbeit in Unterricht und Spracherwerb. Er kann darüber hinaus als Baustein eines (längst überfälligen) Paradigmenwechsels in der Fremdsprachendidaktik gesehen werden.Recentemente la linguistica cognitiva applicata ha rivolto grande attenzione ai processi di metaforizzazione nell’elaborazione linguistica. Parallelamente è stato dedicato maggior interesse anche all’ambito dell’insegnamento grammaticale nell’apprendimento delle lingue straniere. Alla base di questo campo di studi vi è la constatazione che i processi di trasmissione grammaticale di tipo strutturale – anche laddove siano supportati da ottima presentazione metodologica – ottengono risultati di scarsa effi cacia, mentre approcci concettuali si rivelano in grado di modulare assai meglio quanto nella naturale acquisizione linguistica avviene spesso in modo molto più semplice e veloce. Il saggio esemplifi ca l’innovatività e l’effi cacia di un approccio concettuale-funzionale nella rappresentazione grammaticale e mostra come ciò possa essere realizzato in modo adeguato tramite animazioni grammaticali. I risultati dei primi studi empirici sull’effi cacia dell’approccio scelto ne confermano la validità. Il saggio fornisce impulsi per ulteriori prospettive di ricerca e per l’applicazione concreta in ambito didattico e nell’acquisizione linguistica. Lo si può inoltre considerare un ulteriore tassello nella direzione di un – non più rimandabile – cambio di prospettiva nella didattica delle lingue straniere

    I linguaggi specialistici in Habemus Papam (2011). Analisi dei sottotitoli rovesciati in spagnolo e tedesco con incursioni nel doppiaggio

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    Habemus papam (2011) by Nanni Moretti, a well-known auteur film, is a multilingual movie that allows an analysis of different linguistic subcodes: from religious to psychoanalytic language, from medical to theatrical discourse, from the lexicon of card games to the language of sport. Specifically, the essay examines the Italian original dialogues and then focuses on the results of the study carried out on the Spanish and German interlingual subtitles (reversed subtitling) in three selected scenes in which special languages (in particular psychoanalytic, medical and card game discourse) play a key role in characters’ description. The research highlights some difficulties encountered by audiovisual translators who resorted to differing solutions both in the subtitles and in significant passages of dubbing in the two target languages. The study aims at identifying the translation trends of language variation, in particular as far as diaphasic variation is concerned

    La guida turistica online come genere testuale persuasivo in ottica contrastiva (tedesco-italiano): l’esempio visit.freiburg.de

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    The subject of this paper is the online tourist guide as a new declination of a complex and heterogeneous textual genre that has modern origins although rooted in remote traditions (gotti et al. 2017; saNtulli 2010). Of particular interest, despite the recent trend towards the standardisation of such texts, are sociocultural and contrastive aspects. These emerge clearly by comparing different language versions of travel guides, encouraging cross-cultural analysis in order to identify cultural equivalences and differences between the languages involved. The subject of the study is the comparison of the original German version of the online tourist guide of Freiburg (visit.freiburg.de) with the corresponding Italian translation. A multidimensional approach (e.g. faNDrYCh, thurMair 2011; BauMaNN, toNelli 2014) will be used for contrastivelinguistic analysis in order to highlight the following textual and linguistic aspects: macro-structural, syntactic and lexical ones. Some considerations from the perspective of teaching German to Italian-speaking learners will be given at the end of the contribution

    Italienische Kommentare im journalistischen Textsortennetz

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    costituzione e struttura dei testi di commmento della tradizione italiana nel confronto con quella europe

    Does Environmental Labelling Still Matter? Generation Z’s Purchasing Decisions

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    This research paper explores the role of environmental labelling in shaping the purchasing and consumption behaviours of Generation Z. The study aims to provide insights into the comprehension, perception, and attitude of this generation towards environmental labelling and to investigate how these factors impact their purchasing decisions. The results of this study provide valuable insights into the role of environmental labelling in shaping the behaviours of young consumers and suggest that it still matters to this generation. The study also highlights the importance of trust in environmental labelling for influencing purchasing decisions. Our research paper provides new insights into the role of environmental labelling in shaping the behaviours of Generation Z, which is a critical demographic group for sustainable consumption. We found that this generation is highly aware of environmental issues and is motivated to make eco-friendly purchasing decisions. However, our study also highlights that the lack of trust in environmental labelling can be a significant barrier to sustainable consumption. This study contributes to the literature on environmental labelling and consumer behaviour among Generation Z